

Ecommerce is massive, with an expected $4.8 trillion total this year. In such a booming industry, dropshipping is one of the most appealing ways for new businesses to get into eCommerce.

What is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping refers to a fulfillment method in eCommerce, where the online store doesn’t actually hold or own any products. Instead, a dropshipping store uses a third-party supplier for their products and has these delivered straight to the customer with each purchase.

This is an attractive business model for many because you don’t have to keep stock or buy any inventory upfront. Unlike traditional forms of retail, dropshipping businesses don’t own any of their inventory. Dropshipping also allows you to test products easily, and it’s relatively simple to start a dropshipping business without much capital.

Why is Dropshipping Marketing so Important?

You need to have a great marketing strategy for your dropshipping store to be successful. This is because you’re probably not the only person selling your products online, so you need to make your store stand out.